Warriors of God

Warriors of God


Warriors of God, the second volume of the Hus. Reynevan begins by hiding away in Bohemia but soon leaves for Silesia, where he carries out dangerous, secret missions entrusted to him by the leaders of the Hus. At the same time he strives to avenge the death of his brother and discover the whereabouts of his beloved. Once again pursued by multiple enemies, Reynevan is constantly getting into and out of trouble. Sapkowski's deftly written novel delivers gripping action full of numerous twists and mysteries, seasoned with elements of magic and Sapkowski's ever-present - and occasionally bawdy - sense of humour. Fans of the Witcher will appreciate the rich panorama of this slice of the Middle Ages.

Тип обложки: Мягкая обложка
Количество страниц: 656
Год издания: 2022
Издательство: Юпитер
ISBN: 9781473226180

136₪ 181₪
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