Большая детская 3D-энциклопедия обо всём на свете

Большая детская 3D-энциклопедия обо всём на свете


You will grow up and the huge world gradually reveals to you your secrets. But I so want to know everything at once and about everything in the world! So what's the deal? Open the pages of our unique gigantic encyclopedia, and you will have a unique opportunity to know the secrets of the universe, get to know our native planet, its prehistoric and modern inhabitants, and different types of technology - the work of human hands. You can not only read or consider all this on our bright colorful illustrations, but also see answers to your questions in volume and movement. To observe the movement of the planets on the orbits and admire the polar radiance, to see how the whale releases the fountain of water into the heaven and participate in the exciting battle -this is, and much more will become accessible to you with our giant 3D -encyclopedia with augmented reality. And you will command you yourself with all these unexpected opportunities. How is it possible? Open the page of the encyclopedia that interests you, send a smartphone or a tablet at it with an installed free mobile application ASTAR - and the unprecedented capabilities of augmented reality will unfold before you. Our unique children's encyclopedia will not only share with you new knowledge, but also deliver a lot of breathtaking experiences. Open this book - and the secrets of the universe will reveal to you. Believe me - it will not be boring!

Количество страниц: 384 страниц
Год издания: 18.10.2017
Теги: Ликсо
Издательство: АСТ АСТ
ISBN: 978-5-17-983231-7

200₪ 286₪
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