The continuation of the bestsellers “inside the killer” (the most popular novel in Russia in 2020) and “alive in the dark”. In this novel, the long-term nightmare of Zoe Bentley will finally end. He is a maniac killer obsessed with her. She is the FBI profileler, walking in his trail. She can think like a killer. Because once was his victim ... A killer who drinks the blood of his victims? The FBI OPEILER Zoe Bentley and her partner, agent Tatum Gray, have seen anything in life. And yet, at the sight of the body of this dead girl, even a trembling made their way. A VAMPIRE? HARDLY. But not a person ... The handwriting of the murder is similar to the terrible reprisals of the Glover clan - a maniac, which they have been chasing for more than a month. Zoe is sure - this is his hand. What personal demons, from what the darkest depths of the subconscious, can make such horrors make? The answer to this question is the key to everything. However, much looks strange. The murder occurred in the house, not on the street. For some reason, the victim was introduced several times into the hand of the needle. After death, someone put a chain with a pendant on her neck and covered it with a blanket. And, most importantly: traces of two different pairs of men's boots were found at the place of murder ...
(до 5 рабочиx дней)
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