When you suddenly wonder why one country is rich, and the second is not very, always turn to history. England today is a very rich country. And we can say without any exaggeration that capital was erected on bones and blood. The number one industrial power, as if on a nutrient solution, grew in tens of millions (exactly like that!) Of the corpses of Indians. But she could remain a third -rate European state at a different turn of affairs if she had not risen to the looted billions of gold and millions of corpses. “The plains of India are whitened by the bones of the weavers,” the British governor general, Lord William Bentink in London, reported in 1834. From the great story, not to cross out these words, as if diligently, many on the island of the nightmares try to forget them ... This is the story of boundless cruelty, sophisticated treachery and monstrous deceptions generated by England. The story of a unique, inimitable, merciless colonialist; Countries that the first in the world came up with concentration camps.
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