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She is talented, not smart for years, devoted to her work and has already conquered the whole world! Billy Ailish-Miss Paradox and the icon of the actual pop music, whose songs are headed by the leading world charts. She has almost 65 million people in her subscribers, which makes Billy a real voice of generation Z. Follow the path of the younger owner of the 7th Grammy, and you will find out: -What is the secret of the most successful creative tandem of the 21st century? -What stories are hidden behind the texts of the iconic hits Ailish? -What was the pseudonym of the main star of the whole generation? -Why in his 17 Billy cannot live without massage, acupuncture and sometimes runs away from the stage in tears? Inside, you will find not just a biography of another pop star, but an illustrated story of the success of an ordinary girl who managed to overcome her fears, pain and circumstances to become the voice of an entire generation. Be the bad Guy ... duh.
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