Результат. Бизнес-роман о том, как стать предпринимателем, заработать денег и не сойти с ума

Результат. Бизнес-роман о том, как стать предпринимателем, заработать денег и не сойти с ума


Mikhail Dashkiev is an entrepreneur, investor, chief methodologist of the Unit project, co -founder of the projects “Business Youth”, “BM Institute” and “Instrumentarium”. I entered the list "Choiseul 100 Russia". TOP-100 leading young economic leaders under the age of 40. Co -owner of Vilgud @dashkiev Artem Senators is the author of books, a literary producer. The total circulation of the works> 300,000 copies. Also known by the literary pseudonym Alex Novak (series "Book that is not") @pishemknigu The result is a business roman. That is, a work of art with sewn -in -law entrepreneurial meanings. Yes, there are characters, dialogs, plot. And at the same time - something solid. The fact that the reader can take into life and apply it with benefit for himself. The main character is an ordinary guy who did not know what to do with life. He was surprised and alarming his friends about how to dispose of the future. As if everyone around conspired - they say with stamps, think stereotypes, believe in illusions. And so, after the next episode of misunderstanding of the environment, the hero decides to change ... No, not peace or society. Yourself - for starters. And the guy goes into the adventure, called "Create your own business." This is not a spring walk and not the journey of the first class. Rather, "American slides" - without insurance and guarantees that you will return whole and sound.

Тип обложки: твёрдая
Количество страниц: 288
Год издания: 15.09.2020
Теги: Сенаторов
Издательство: Эксмо
ISBN: 978-5-04-103794-9

68₪ 91₪
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