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“The Life of Pi” is a novel-laureate of the 2002 Buker Prize, written about the journey of not anyone, but a little Hindu and ... Bengal Tiger! And not somewhere, but in a boat in the middle of the Pacific Ocean! “The terrible, absurd, risky, sad and unusually sensual in terms of reproduced images and smells, this is a trip and he was a wonderful storyteller (similar to intellectual hummingbirds, forced to extract nectar from the depths of various inflorescences) resemble hallucinosis Joseph Conrad and Salman Rushdi, wondering about The semantic filling of "old man and the sea" and "Gulliver". " - The Financial Times “This book will return your faith in the ability of writers to saturate even the most fantastic plot with life details ... amazing!” - The New York Times "Life of Pi" produced a real cultural explosion in the world intellectual environment. The fantastic journey of the young man and the Bengal tiger described in the novel echoes the story “Old Man and the Sea”, with the magical realism of Marquez and with the absurdity of Beckett. The book became not only a bestseller, but also a symbol of literature of the new century, the flag of a new culture. In 2012, the novel was filmed and received four Oscar awards.
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