Космос. Путешествие по Вселенной

Космос. Путешествие по Вселенной


Our land seems immense to us. But on the scale of the galaxy, even our sun is almost as slightly as a planet. What forces control our universe, how galaxies form, how the stars live, where comets are born and what fate awaits our universe - you can learn all this from this illustrated reference book. The book contains only the latest scientific data-Anton Vladimirovich Biryukov, candidate of physical and mathematical sciences, senior researcher at the State Astronomical Institute named after PC. Sternberg.

Тип обложки: твёрдая
Количество страниц: 224
Год издания: 15.07.2021
Издательство: Эксмо
ISBN: 978-5-04-109462-1

124₪ 165₪
- 25%

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