Возможны задержки доставки из-за новогодних праздников в России и отмены рейсов. Мы делаем всё возможное, чтобы ускорить процесс!

Возможны задержки доставки из-за новогодних праздников в России и отмены рейсов.

Во весь голос

Во весь голос


A multifacetedly talented, rebellious passionate, lyrically gentle, and most importantly, non -standard Vladimir Mayakovsky is one of the titanic figures of Russian art. It literally captures the reader's attention with the “fire of the heart”, excitement, unusual metaphors. All his biography is reflected in verses, poems, and the most significant: “Could you?”, “Adsche of the city”, “Nate!”, “Listen!”, “Cloud in pants”, “Flute-phonelor”, “Russia "," I love "," loudly ", the plays" Vladimir Mayakovsky "," Blop "and others are presented in this collection. Reading these poems, poems, plays you become his involved discoveries, you feel the poet’s creative movement, understand what topics, questions, problems, obstacles arise in his way and understand the author, how exactly this author tries to cope with them. And you are aware of the tragedy of the creative personality, who was in Russia at the beginning of the twentieth century.

Вес товара, г: 13
Возрастное ограничение: 16+
Размеры, мм: 76х100/32
Количество страниц: 256
Год издания: 27.05.2019
Теги: Маяковский
Издательство: Эксмо
ISBN: 978-5-04-102438-3


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