Просто быть счастливой. Измени себя, не изменяя себе (обложка)

Просто быть счастливой. Измени себя, не изменяя себе (обложка)


At almost every meeting, journalists ask the famous Kate Hudson the same questions: what do you eat? What are your training? What is your secret? In a short interview, you won’t tell you about all the steps that you need to make to be healthy, beautiful and happy, you won’t tell you about how not to lose your taste for life. Kate realized: it is important to clearly know what the body and soul really need, as well as realize that the size imposed by fashion is not suitable for everyone and, striving for the better, you do not need to lose your individuality. Kate leads a common lifestyle: she has a lot of work, two children, you need to take care of loved ones, build personal life. She found the answer how to keep up with everything, feel good in her own body and get closer to the figure of her dreams. Its technique includes four important steps that are easy to use: - The ability to listen to your body, - Proper nutrition, - movement, activity, - Self -knowledge, intuition. Kate constantly tries something new in order to feel happy and healthy, but does not be upset, noticing that she is far from “perfection”. The ideal is not a goal. For happiness, it is not necessary to be perfect.

Вес товара, г: 71
Возрастное ограничение: 12+
Количество страниц: 256
Год издания: 18.11.2019
Издательство: Эксмо
ISBN: 978-5-04-108054-9

114₪ 152₪
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