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Возможны задержки доставки из-за новогодних праздников в России и отмены рейсов.

Белые ночи

Белые ночи


This collection included two early novels by Dostoevsky - "White Nights" and "Netochka Nevovanov", which are considered the most poetic works of the great novelist. "White Nights" is one of the best works of the school of "sentimental naturalism", according to the critic of Apollo Grigoriev. This is the lyrical confession of the hero-gunner, a lonely and timid person, in the life of which a girl appears for a while, and with her hope for a brighter future. “Netochka Nevovanov” is a story initially conceived by the author as a novel, where the story is based on the life story of a little girl. Netochka is also a character, she dreams of life in a large beautiful mansion, which sees the closet in the attic from the window. But, having found himself in it, the inaccule is faced with reality, which was not so beautiful at all ...

Количество страниц: 320
Год издания: 27.10.2022 г.
Теги: Достоевский
Издательство: АСТ АСТ
ISBN: 978-5-17-149495-7

63₪ 84₪
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