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Оглянись вокруг. 50 маленьких событий в живой природе, ради которых стоит замедлиться

Оглянись вокруг. 50 маленьких событий в живой природе, ради которых стоит замедлиться


The philosophy of slowdown is relevant today, more than ever. Allow yourself to inhale the air in full chest, stop, look around ... and see how beautiful life is! Invite the children with you to observe how the star falls, the cherry blooms and the ladybug takes off. Teach children today to pay attention to the miracles that take place around us every day. Nature is amazing in its perfection. It is from it that you can endlessly draw inspiration and energy. Every day, hour after an hour, magical transformations occur right before our eyes. In this book - 50 tips, 50 small stories. Reading a book with delightfully beautiful illustrations will already help to calm down and find balance, to become harder and more conscious. It is not surprising that this book was translated into 22 languages ​​and in less than a year became a world bestseller. We all lack this: stop and look around. From the author: Everything that surrounds us, moves, grows, is full of miracles. Every day, every hour, right before our eyes in nature, magical transformations occur. But they are not always easy to see. In this book you will find many natural phenomena, everyday events. Some occur slowly during the day or even a week: so much time, for example, a doll is needed to turn into a butterfly, or protein to make a stock of acorns for the winter. Other events - the sunrise or the formation of a cloud - happen almost instantly. Read about them, follow their development, and then go to nature, and you will see how much interesting it is around, you just slow down. For whom this book: For children from 5 years old. For everyone who loves nature and wants to enjoy it fully. For connoisseurs of children's illustration.

Вес товара, г: 720
Возрастное ограничение: 0+
Размеры, мм: 70х100/8
Тип бумаги в книге: Офсетная
Тип обложки: твёрдая
Количество страниц: 120
Год издания: 19.05.2022
Издательство: Эксмо
ISBN: 978-5-00195-387-6

144₪ 192₪
- 25%

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